We did it!!

until we gather on

Join us on the Metro Courthouse steps at 6pm June 6th to show the public’s support for our Nashville Highland Rim Forest.

17 of Nashville’s current long range plans call for “Championing the Environment” and conserving our unique geographical gem – the Highland Rim Forest that cradles Nashville to the west and runs from Radnor to Beaman and beyond.  

On June 6, the Council holds a public hearing about the budget. We want to show the Council that conserving Nashville’s Highland Rim Forest is a priority.


Wear green on June 6.  At 6pm sharp on the Metro Courthouse steps, we’ll take a picture (so please arrive early to make sure you’re in it!). Then we’ll go into the Council Chamber and stand up for the trees.

An amendment to the budget allocating money to conserve the forest will be introduced and then we’ll all ask our CouncilMembers to vote for it.

Sound like fun?  Join us!

You can see part of it running through the west side of Davidson County. The Highland Rim Forest runs from Alabama to Kentucky and in Davidson County, it crowns the county with gems from Radnor to Beaman and beyond.

17 of Nashville’s long range plans have called for “Championing the Environment and conservation of the natural wonder that holds and protects Nashville.  

On June 6, we’re going to insist that the Council take action.  CouncilMember Allen is introducing a budget amendment to secure funding to fulfill the promises. 

We’re going to show up and let the Council know that Conserving Nashville’s Highland Rim Forest is a priority for Nashville.  Join us!

We are not a new organization. We are simply a growing group of concerned Nashville volunteer citizens and nonprofit organizations who are aligned with a common vision and purpose: fulfill the long range plans of conserving the Highland Rim Forest. Please join us.

Learn more here

Share this event and the words “Nashville’s Highland Rim Forest.”

Below there are a number of action steps you can take, too.  And if you want to REALLY help us move forward, get in touch.

Let us know how you want to help.  Like any movement, there’s room for everyone to bring their talent and time. 

Join The Alliance to
Conserve Nashville's Highland Rim Forest!

Plan to Join Us on June 6

Send an Email to the Council

Send an email to

1. Include your name and address

2. Include the phrase “Conserve Nashville’s Highland Rim Forest”

3. Explain why you think it’s important!

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Alliance Vision Keepers

Kathleen Williams, Co-Chair
Founding Director, TennGreen Land Conservancy
Anne Davis, Co-Chair
Former Managing Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center; Senior Program Advisor,
Energy, Environment and Land Use Program, Vanderbilt Law School
Karl Dean, Honorary Chair
Nashville Mayor (2007-2015), Honorary Chairman, Conserve Nashville’s Highland Rim Forest

Alliance Partners

Get in touch to add your organization! 

alliance at



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