Thanks to Dr. Abkowitz, Charles Roe from Southern Conservation Partners, and the dozens of partner organizations and concerned citizens who attended our Fall Gathering at Joelton Hardware, Farmacy, and Feed in November. Special Thanks to CM Burkley Allen, CM Joy Kimbrough, and CM Jennifer Webb, and Jennifer Smith, Metro’s Horticulturalist for attending as well!

There were appropriate Happy Hour merriments, interspersed with a brief introduction of everyone in the room, followed by more Happy Hour merriment.

We heard there were many new connections made, which was exactly one of our intentions. And people seemed genuinely happy after the hours of merriment, which was also one of our intentions. And, we added some new folks to the Alliance! Trifecta for the trees!

And thanks to Kris and the crew at Joelton Hardware, Farmacy and Feed for hosting us.

We’re looking forward to doing this a few times at least next year!